Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Christmas in June

So this year I've decided to join a CSA program. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and these programs are great for those who want to buy seasonal local produce. A CSA is a great way to connect with an area farmer and really learn about the food you're eating. Typically a farmer offers a number of shares per year and each week you go pick up your share of produce. Rosehip Farm and Garden in Coupeville offered this program and I decided to sign up! Since Seth is in and out of town, I choose to buy a half share so I'll be getting produce every other week. As I drove down to Coupeville this morning, it literally felt like Christmas morning. I had no idea what produce I would find! As I pulled up to the cute yellow farm house, I was greeted by Farmer Linda. She pointed out that alfalfa was being harvested in the field across the street and the bald eagles were swarming all over for their breakfast. It was so nice to have a conversation with the person who grew my food. I ducked inside and was amazed by the beautiful display of vegetables picked that very morning. Farmer Linda instructed me on what and how much produce to take and I felt like a kid in a candy shop. This week I was able to take home:

~A Bag of speckled salad greens with tiny edible flowers
~Bunch of Kale
~Kohlrabi (more to come on this veggie later)
~Bunch of rainbow chard
~Heads of red and green lettuce
~Garlic scallions
~Bunch of herbs (sage, thyme, rosemary, and chives)

I was a tad disappointed because they promised green peas, but they just weren't ready. That's the risk you take when you buy seasonal. Looks like I'll be getting my greens this week! Gotta run and figure out what to do with that kohlrabi...

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