Thursday, November 18, 2010


We have so much to be thankful for and because Thanksgiving is only a week away, I thought I'd share why I love my new kitchen...
Yes, that is a garbage disposal, and if you've ever lived on Whidbey Island you know why I am thankful for this simple appliance! Sometimes I grind up a lemon just to smell that citrus zing in my sink.

Icemaker! We're finally back to loading our water glasses with tons of ice and I can throw away those plastic ice molds.

Ahhhh and we're cooking with gas!

And this is the view from my kitchen. I can actually see the Chesapeake glistening through the leaves while I wash dishes. We are so blessed!


  1. ...and Mark and I are thankful for delicious dinners that come out of that kitchen!

  2. Your place is so lovely! Thanks for welcoming us on our recent visit.
    Glad you're back to blogging again!
    Aunt Amy

  3. What a step up from your Whidbey kitchen! Fabulous view!
